

Madaripur District (dhaka division) with an area of 1144 sq km, is bounded by Faridpur and munshiganj districts on the north, barisal district on the south,shariatpur district on the east, gopalganj district on the west. Main rivers arepadmaarial khan and kumar. Temperature: average maximum 35.8°C, minimum 12.6°C. Total rainfall 2105 mm.
Madaripur (Town) consists of 9 wards and 33 mahallas. The area of the town is 34.81 sq km. It has a population of 54867; male 50.69%, female 49.31%. The density of population is 1576 per sq km. Literacy rate among the town people is 66.1%.
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Administration Madaripur subdivision was established in 1854 under the district of Bakerganj. In 1873 it was separated from Bakerganj and annexed to Faridpur district. Madaripur subdivision was turned into a district in 1984. It consists of 4 upazilas, 57 union parishads, 550 mouzas, 3 municipalities, 27 wards, 85 mahallas and 1035 villages. The upazilas are madaripur sadarshibcharrajoir and kalkini.
Historical events The most important historical event is the faraizi movement led by Haji Shariatullah (1781-1840). During the War of Liberation many direct encounters were held between the freedom fighters and the Pakistan army. The freedom fighters of Madaripur captured 40 Pakistani soldiers including a Major and a Captain.
Archaeological heritage and relics Aoliapur Neelkuti, Algi Kazibadi Mosque, Ram Mandir at Khalia, Senapati Dighi and the tomb of Shah Mazar.
Newspapers and periodicals Dainik: Subarnagram, weekly: Ariyal Khan, Shariatullah, Ishara; extinct: Weekly Janani Bangla, Madaripur Barta and Banglar Mati.
Population 1137008; male 50.29%, female 49.71%; Muslim 85.67%, Hindu 13.72%, others 0.61%.
Religious institutions Mosque 3366, temple 330, church 7, tomb 3.
Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 32.6%; male 40%, female 24.9%. Educational institutions: college 17, high school 117, government primary school 437, non-government primary school 262, kindergarten school 6, primary training institute1, vocational institute 1 and madrasa 60.
Cultural organisations Club 139, library 18, cinema hall 10, women's organisation 70.
Main occupations Agriculture 43.74%, agricultural labourer 24%, wage labourer 2.96%, commerce 9.93%, transport 1.31%, service 6.08%, others 11.98%.
Land use Total land 113298 hectares; cultivable land 86823 hectares; single crop 36.41%, double crop 46.35% and treble crop land 17.24%.
Main crops Jute, paddy, peanut, onion, garlic, chilli, sugarcane, mustard, pulse and wheat.
Main fruits Mango, jackfruit, banana, coconut, guava, litchi, watermelon.
Poultries, dairies and fisheries Dairy 91, poultry 362, fishery 28.
Communication Roads: pucca 163 km, semi pucca 154 km and mud road 4010 km.
Manufucturies Jute mill, cotton mill, rice mill, flour mill, oil mill, biscuit factory, ice factory, cold storage, saw mill, welding.
Cottage industries Weaving, goldsmith, blacksmith, potteries, bamboo and cane work, wood work, tailoring, molasses production.
Mineral resources Pit coal.
Main exports Jute, jute-goods, date molasses, sugarcane molasses, cotton, betel nut.
Main hats, bazars and fairs Noted hats and bazars are Borhamganj Bazar, Utrail Hat, Khaser Hat, Jurgar Hat, Sahebrampur, Gopalpur, Kalkini, Matbarer Charer Hat, Taker Hat, Kabirajpur, Rajoir and Mustafapur, Mitapur Bazar; noted fairs: Sendea Mela (Chaitra Sankranti), Bajitpur Mela (Maghi Purnima) and Kadambari Ganesh Pagaler Mela.
NGO activities Operationally important NGOs are bracproshikagrameen bank, CARE, asa, Swanirvar Bangladesh.
Health Centres Hospital 4, clinic 8, TB hospital 2, 1 diabetic association 1, health and family planing centre 57.

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