

Gazipur District (dhaka division) with an area of 1741.53 sq km, is bounded bymymensingh and kishoreganj districts on the north, dhakanarayanganj andnarsingdi districts on the south, Narsingdi on the east, Dhaka and tangail districts on the west. Annual average temperature maximum 36°C and minimum 12.7°C; annual rainfall 2376 mm. Main rivers: old brahmaputrashitalakshyaturag,bangshibalubanar.
Gazipur (Town) consists of 9 wards and 31 mahallas. The area of the town is 49.32 sq km. The town has a population of 123531; male 52.52%, female 47.48%; density of population is 2505 per sq km. Various establishments such as Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), CERDI, Seed Certifying Agency, Security Printing, Machine Tools Factory, Bangladesh Ordnance Factory, Diesel Plant, Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), BRAC Dairy Farm, Cremation Ghat etc are located here.
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Administration Gazipur district was established in 1984. It consists of 5 upazilas, 46 union parishads, 710 mouzas, 2 municipalities and 1163 villages. The upazilas aregazipur sadarkaliakairkaliganjkapasia and sreepur.
Archaeological heritage Dholsamundra (the capital of the local Pala kings) at Boali, Toke Badshahi Mosque; Dighi and mazar at Chaura; old bridge (built by Meer Jumla) at Tangi, Bhawal Rajbari and the maths at Joydebpur.
Marks of the War of Liberation Mass killing site and mass grave: eastern side of the Joydebpur Rajbari, Sathkamair, Tongi Shaheed Smriti School compound and at Gachha; Memorial monument: 'Jagrata Chaurangi' at Joydebpur Chowrasta and the premises of the Joydebpur Rajbari.
Population 2026244; male 51.77%, female 48.23%; Muslim 91.9%, Hindu 7.5%, Christian 0.4%, Others 0.2%,; ethnic nationals: Rajbangshi (Koch), Garo, Mandi, etc.
Religion institutions Mosque 2730, temple 143, church 12, mazar 4 and sacred place 6.
Literacy rate and educational institutions Average literacy 36, 25%; male 43.2% and female 29.3%. Educational institutions: university 3, technical institution 2, agricultural institution 4, government college 3, non-government college 19, madrasa 160, government secondary school 3, non-government secondary school 258, junior school 39, government primary school 532, non-government primary school 177, madrasa 108, primary training institute 1, scout training centre (Mouchak) 1, madrasa teacher's training institute 1, tele-communication staff college 1, agricultural training institute 1.
Newspapers and periodicals Daily 1, periodical 5, journal 2.
Cultural organisations Club 200, public library 4, cinema hall 19, community centre 10, museum 3, theatre stage 1, theatre group 20, literary society 2, women's cooperative society 89, Shilpakala academy 1, Shishu academy 1, women's association 3.
Main occupations Agriculture 45.73%, agricultural labourer 11.73%, wage labourer 2.65%, commerce 10.85%, transport 2.79%, construction 1.1%, service 14.41%, others 10.74%.
Land use Total land under cultivation 125287.53 hectares, fallow land 16935.35 hectares; single crop 34.84%, double crop 50.76%, treble crop 14.40%, land under irrigation 41.18%.
Land control Landless 11.60%, marginal 38.80% intermediate 30.40%, and 19.20% rich.
Value of land The market value of land of first grade is Tk. 12500 to 25000 per 0.01 hectare.
Main crops Paddy, jute, mustard seed, sugarcane, chilli, arum, turmeric, ginger.
Extinct and nearly extinct crops Indigo, aus paddy and aman paddy.
Main fruits Jackfruit, pineapple, litchi, black berry, guava, mango, papaya,kamranga, palm, boroi, karamcha, wood apple, tamarind.
Fisheries, poultries and dairies Poultry 8511, dairy 114, fishery 646 and hatchery 7.
Communication facilities Roads: pucca 600 km, semi pucca 348 km, mud roads 2692 km, railways 86 km; waterways 146 nautical mile.
Traditional transport Duli, palanquin, country boat, horse carriage, bullock cart,Konda (a kind of boat made of palm tree). These means of transport (except country boat) are either extinct or nearly extinct.
Manufactories Aluminium factory, textile mill, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry, machine tools factory, diesel plant, security printing press, ordnance factory, ceramics factory, packaging industry, brick field and garments industry, etc.
Cottage industries Weaving, goldsmith, blacksmith, potteries, bamboo and cane work, tailoring, bidi, nakshi kantha work, shital pati, wood work etc.
Hats, bazars and fairs Hats and bazars are 130; fairs 20.
Main exports Vegetables, fruits, medicine, cosmetics, cigarettes, aluminium products, ready made garments, mosquito coil, beverage (soft drinks) etc.
NGO activities bracasa, Hunger, proshika, World Vision, ABC, Dialogue, Swanirvar Bangladesh (Self Reliant Bangladesh), Pidim etc.
Health centres District sadar hospital 1, upazila health complex 5, health and family welfare centres 30, private hospital 5, Ansar academy and ordnance factory hospital 2, union health centre 7, missionaries hospital 1, NGO run hospital 10. 

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